Friday, April 15, 2016
Forty-five members of the Lawrence + Memorial Hospital Medical Staff were named “Top Docs” in Connecticut Magazine’s 2016 annual peer-to-peer survey of physicians across the state.
Connecticut Magazine sends approximately 5,000 questionnaires to physicians asking them to recommend a doctor (other than themselves) to whom they would send a loved one for care.
In its April issue, the magazine reports out on about 800 “Top Docs” from a variety of specialties statewide. L+M physicians have been regulars in the annual listing in past years, and this year is no exception. The L+M honorees are:
Henry Cabin and Jon Gaudio, Cardiology; Mary Ann Bentz, Daniella Duke, Annette Headley and Eric Wolf, Dermatology; R. Preston Lamberton, Endocrinology; Brenda Applegate and Steven Johnson, Family Medicine; Alan J. Greenwald, George S. Ouellette and Shri K. Verma, Gastroenterology…
Paul Deutsch, Joseph J. Gadbaw and Michael Rajkumar, Infectious Diseases; Thomas Peters, Nephrology; Susan Levy, Daniel E. Moalli, Maria Moro-de-Casillas and Joseph Schindler, Neurology; Patrick Doherty, Neurosurgery; Francis Falck, Jr., Christopher Kelly and Paul R. Mitchell, Ophthalmology; Fred Santoro, Pediatrics; Joseph F. O’Keefe and Joseph W. Peters, Physical Medicine; Jeffrey M. Kierstein, Podiatry…
Regina Palazzo, Pulmonary Medicine; Amarilis Talavera-Briggs, Psychiatry; Robert E. Levin, Rheumatology; David F. Reisfeld and Dean N. Willis, Surgery/General; Christopher Hutchins and R. Justin Thoms, Surgery/Orthopedic; Thomas Cherry and Vinod Pathy, Surgery/Plastic and Reconstructive; Frank C. Detterbeck, Surgery/Thoracic; and Richard Fraser, Franklin P. Friedman, T. Casey McCollough, Anthony Quinn, Steven Schoenberger, Steven J. Shichman and Joseph Wagner, Urology.
Bruce D. Cummings, president and CEO at L+M, said the annual roster of top physicians is always a chance to acknowledge the fine work of the entire L+M medical staff.
“The Connecticut Magazine list highlights the outstanding work of these selected physicians,” Cummings said. “We commend our winners and thank all of our physicians for their professionalism, skill, hard work and compassion. They are critical to our hospital’s success.”
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