Physical Therapy
Physical therapists (PTs) are movement experts who optimize quality of life through prescribed exercises, hands-on care and patient education. Physical therapists teach patients how to prevent or manage their condition so that they will achieve long-term health benefits. PTs use treatment techniques to promote the ability to move, reduce pain, restore function and prevent disability.
Our physical therapists provide personalized treatment utilizing variety of techniques and procedures as well as comprehensive patient education to assist you in achieving your rehabilitation goals.
Treatments and Services
- Amputee Rehabilitation
- Back/Neck Care Program
- Balance and Vestibular Rehabilitation
- Bariatric Program
- Biofeedback Training
- Certified Lymphedema Therapy/Manual Lymph Drainage/Compression Therapy
- Certified McKenzie Therapy
- Chronic Pain Management
- Ergonomics
- Gait Training
- Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (Graston Technique)
- LSVT BIG (Lee Silverman Voice Therapy)
- Manual Therapy including Craniosacral, Mobilization, Myofascial, Visceral
- Modalities including Electrical-stimulation, Ultrasound, Mechanical Traction
- Neurological Rehabilitation
- Orthotic Fitting
- Pediatric Physical Therapy
- Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation
- Range of Motion and Strengthening
- Sports Injury Rehabilitation
- Telerehab
- Therapies for cancer-related symptoms
- Visceral Mobilization
- Wheelchair Assessment
- Work Conditioning
- Work Related Injuries