Critical Care Medicine, Hospital Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease Medicine
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When you or a loved one fall severely ill and need the resources of a major academic hospital, Dr. Adriana Olariu is there to help. Dr. Olariu specializes in the management of life-threatening conditions warranting admission to the medical ICU. She employs advanced medical knowledge, experience, and technology to maximize accurate diagnosis and rapid treatment. “I enjoy the challenge of diagnosing and treating critical illness, and caring for patients from all walks of life. My goal is to return my patients back to their loved ones. I believe everyone deserves the best possible care, tailored specifically for their values and their body's response to critical illness. Therefore, I often use advanced diagnostic tests, including bedside ultrasound, to characterize my patients' conditions in real time and find the best treatment for them”, she says.Adriana joined Yale New Haven Hospital’s Critical Care team in 2020 after graduating from Pulmonary and Critical Care fellowship at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. In 2010, she received her MD from University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hatieganu", in Romania. Dr. Olariu furthered her medical training with a research fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Internal Medicine residency in the resource-limited setting of Uptown Chicago. Dr. Olariu cares for patients at both the York Street and Saint Raphael campuses of Yale New Haven Hospital, as well as in the InSight TeleICU of Yale. She participates in quality improvement efforts in the areas of sepsis and central line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs). She also remains active in teaching Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine residents, as well as and Yale medical students as a Clinical Instructor in the Yale School of Medicine. Dr. Olariu works closely with MICU nurses and respiratory therapists to provide care for patients with a wide range of critical illnesses, including sepsis, shock, bleeding, respiratory failure, or multiorgan failure. “Our MICU team is outstanding. Yale New Haven Hospital specializes in delivering world-class care to critically ill patients, and when a particular problem requires evaluation by another subspecialist, the depth and breadth of expertise available to us here is truly amazing”, she explains.
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20 York Street
New Haven, CT 06510
Phone: (203) 688-4748
Fax: (203) 688-4740
1450 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Phone: (203) 500-4490
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