Lawrence + Memorial’s specialty trained team of gastroenterologists, pulmonologists, registered nurses and GI technicians use advanced technology to perform endoscopies. With the use of state-of-the-art equipment with high-definition endoscopes, our team performs hundreds of examinations each year. The advantage of using high-definition endoscopes is that it allows a better visual of the area being examined, providing better results.
Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer in the U.S., but it is preventable. A colonoscopy is an examination of the inside of the colon using a colonoscope, a thin, flexible, lighted tube instrument inserted into the rectum. It has a tool to remove abnormal tissue to be examined for cancer under a microscope. Performed under sedation so there is no discomfort during the procedure, the test is most effective when the colon is totally clear of stool. That requires a liquid diet and bowel (prep) cleansing by laxatives a day or two before the procedure. A colonoscopy is not only a highly effective detection tool, but it’s also the only test that can prevent colorectal cancer by removing small growths or polyps before they become a problem.
This procedure uses a specialized endoscope to insert dye into the bile ducts (tubes that drain bile from the liver and gallbladder into the intestine) and pancreatic duct (tube that drains pancreatic juice into the intestine) under X-ray guidance. Several therapies are available through ERCP if a defect is identified. Common conditions in which ERCP is performed for include the removal of common bile duct stones, placement of stents in pancreatic cancer and bile duct cancers and treatment of chronic pancreatitis.
A gastroscopy is a procedure performed to see the inside of the food pipe (esophagus), stomach and first part of the small intestine. This procedure, also known as an upper endoscopy, uses an endoscopy to check for any abnormalities including detecting dysphagia, causes of consistent stomach aches or gut issues, and more.
A bronchoscopy is a procedure performed to look directly at the airways in the lungs using a thin, lighted tube (or bronchoscope). The bronchoscope is put into the nose or mouth and is guided down the throat and windpipe into the airway. This procedure can be used to diagnose and treat lung problems including tumors or bronchial cancer, airway blockage, vocal cord paralysis, persistent cough, narrowed areas in the airway, and more.
L+M Hospital offers breakthrough, same-day LINX(R) treatment for patients diagnosed with chronic GERD. The LINX is a small flexible ring of magnets that expands when you swallow, then contracts to prevent acid reflux.
Yale New Haven Health is proud to be affiliated with the prestigious Yale University and its highly ranked Yale School of Medicine.