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Public Reporting of Outcomes

Community Outreach Summary

Our Prevention Programs

  1. Head & Neck program-ENT Associates of Southeastern CT and Dr. Ross Sanfilippo educated participants on smoking cessation and limiting alcohol consumption. 
  2. American Cancer Society-Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk-provided participants with information on mammogram screenings.
  3. Early Detection of Breast Cancer: To Screen or Not to Screen-How Often is the Question, Dr. Jane Kanowitz-attendees polled before and after the lecture regarding how often women should have mammograms. Eleven out of thirteen attendees polled before the program said screenings were important and after the program, five attendees weren’t sure anymore.
  4. Dr. Jasit S. Bindra Memorial Lecture Series-Understanding Cancer: What You Need to Know-discussed how to reduce weight and improve diet in order to reduce the risk for cancer.
  5. Well-Healed Woman Program-information provided to participants on screening mammograms and proper nutrition in relation to reducing one’s risk for cancer.

Our Screening Programs

  1. Head & Neck Screening – ENT Associates of Southeastern CT and Dr. Ross Sanfilippo conducted a screening program for Oral and Head & Neck cancers on April 18th.  The total number of participants was 64 and there were no positive findings. Many of the participants were current patients of the physicians. The effectiveness of this program was discussed at oncology committee on 10/25/16 and it was suggested that next year the program should be held at a homeless shelter or local church to hopefully reach a different population of participants.
  2. Lung Cancer Screening-our lung cancer screening for high-risk patients continues.  Since inception of the program in September, 2013, through November 2016, there have been 599 patients screened with 25 positive cases detected. 100 patients had incidental findings that required further testing and 190 patients had findings that required short term follow up (i.e. pulmonary nodules). The effectiveness of the program was discussed at oncology committee on 7/26/16. Our lung screening program is far exceeding NLST (National Lung Screening Trial) expectations. This screening program will be continued.
  3. The Connecticut Cancer Screening Program provided 5 free colonoscopy procedures so far this year.
  4. The Connecticut Cancer Screening Program provides ongoing breast and cervical cancer screening throughout the year.  Total screened as of 12/19/2016 is 128. There were 89 mammograms, 63 breast ultrasounds, 2 biopsy procedures, 1 lumpectomy, and one breast cancer diagnosis. There were 69 PAP smears, 47 HPV tests with 9 positive results and one cervical cancer case diagnosis.  Final numbers for 2016 are pending.

Our Quality Improvements

  1. Consent to Treat forms-have been revised to ensure proper and complete documentation.
  2. Oral Adherence Policy-has been approved and implemented.
  3. Two new roles created: RN Clinical Coordinator & RN Physician Practice Coordinator-these roles bridge the gap between the practice side of medical oncology and the treatment side, reducing fragmented care.
  4. A Pharmacist is now housed in the infusion suite and meets with patients at chairside to answer questions about their medication, assists nursing in medication management and acts as a clinical resource to the providers.
  5. A drug notification system has been installed in the infusion suite-drugs are now delivered chairside by a pharmacy technician allowing nursing to stay with the patient.
  6. A new clinic for women identified as “high risk” for breast cancer is being developed. Dr. Kanowitz is visiting PCP and Ob-Gyn offices using a Smilow tool to not only identify these women but to then provide a plan outlining strategies for risk reduction.
  7. Patients consulted at L+M Cancer Center are now presented at Smilow specialty tumor boards by L+M medical oncologists.
  8. Access to initial patient consults has been reduced from 21 days to 2 days for next available appointment.
  9. COMFORT communication trained nurses.
  10. Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT), focused treatment for early stage lung cancer, now expanded to include additional body sites (e.g. supraclavicular nodes, adrenal gland, hip, etc.).
  11. Vision RT-ensures that patients are in the correct position before treatment begins and verifies perfect alignment each time treatment is delivered.  Additionally, each treatment is monitored and is discontinued when the patient moves allowing for realignment before continuing. 
  12. Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) using Vision RT for left sided breast cancer patients.
  13. Rapid Arc Technology (minimizes exposure to the spinal cord, kidneys, bowels and other sensitive organs and tissue) is now being used on more patients.
  14. Telephone triage process improved to increase the number of calls “live” answered.
  15. Press Ganey overall patient satisfaction scores are at an all-time high of 94.1%-these scores reflect improvement in telephone workflows as well as TATs in laboratory and pharmacy.
  16. Two new policies created: Chemo Hypersensitivity & Neutropenic Precaution